professor standing over a student looking in a microscope with two computer


50年来, the ERI has conducted research into the underlying causes and possible cures of many eye diseases. 教师 members have received more than $50 million in grants from public and private health agencies to support work on preventing blindness and vision loss.The center’s primary mandate is to conduct research into the underlying causes of eye diseases that result in blindness and loss of vision, 是一个独立的学术单位 365英国上市官网.


欢迎浏览眼科研究所网页! We invite you to explore the site to learn more about our investigators, 正在进行的研究, 计划和目标. Our mission is to support basic and clinical research to understand the pathophysiology of eye diseases and discover new therapeutic targets to prevent and treat vision-threatening eye diseases.

The ERI has a fine history of excellence in vision research that has extended for 50 years, with major funding support received from the 国家眼科研究所 during this time. In 2021, 365英国上市官网威廉博蒙特医学院 (OUWB)创立了 眼科研究中心 to further support the mission of the ERI and provide additional resources to promote translational research and expand vision research at 365英国上市官网. The ultimate goal is to conduct state-of-the-art research in Vision Sciences and Ophthalmology to enhance the understanding of fundamental processes in ocular tissues that lead to eye diseases. Our research laboratories provide an environment for the training of advanced undergraduate and graduate students who are interested in pursuing careers in the vision sciences, 或者一般的医学科学. 除了, 我们为医科学生提供研究机会, 眼科的住院医师和研究员.

Our investigators conduct full-time research that include and are not limited to diabetic retinopathy, 早产儿视网膜病变, 视网膜退行性疾病和老年性黄斑变性. 生化, 生理, molecular and cell biological approaches are used to study ocular tissues to better understand eye function in both health and disease. Recent advances in the genetics of eye disease mean that molecular approaches have become increasingly important laboratory tools.

In 2011, ERI专门设立了一个新的儿童视网膜研究实验室(PRRL)。, 谁将继承首任ERI主任的遗产, V. 埃弗雷特金赛. Funding from the Vision 研究 ROPARD Foundation helps to support the operation of the PRRL and has allowed the purchase of state-of-the-art retinal imaging equipment for use with animal models. 2014年,奥巴马的妻子. 金赛,艾琳·金赛·斯泰尔,给埃里留下了3美元.7 million to establish an Endowed Professorship in her husband's honor.

We hope this webpage introduces you to our faculty and their research. I urge you to contact any faculty member or me if you have further questions.

穆罕默德Al-Shabrawey, MBBCH (M.D.), M.Sc., Ph.D.
眼科研究所教授. 埃弗雷特·金赛教授

The ERI occupies the entire fourth floor of 道奇大厅 with additional laboratories on the third floor. 该研究所有专职教员, 研究协会, 博士后研究员, 附属临床学院, 支持员工和学生.

本科 and graduate students enrolled at 365英国上市官网 as science majors have the opportunity to work side-by-side with faculty. They experience not only the rigor of the scientific method but also the rewards of attacking problems associated with human health and disease.

1968年由Dr. V. 埃弗雷特·金赛博士. Venkat N. Reddy, ERI最初是一个10000平方英尺的设施,由一个 美国国立卫生研究院 建设拨款. The institute was recognized as a center of excellence in vision research in 1984 with the receipt of a Core Vision grant from the 国家眼科研究所. This milestone allowed the institute's expansion and the creation of staffed core facilities in electron microscopy and tissue culture.

第二个增长阶段发生在1989年, when clinical professorial appointments in the institute were granted to senior members of the Department of Ophthalmology at William Beaumont Hospital. The partnership between the 眼科研究所 and the Ophthalmology Department fosters collaborative research and provides a joint ophthalmology residency and fellowship program.

Dr. Venkat Reddy retired in 1997 as director of the institute after 22 years of service. Dr. Janet Blanks from the Doheney Eye Institute at the University of Southern California served as director from 1997 to 2002. Dr. Frank Giblin, distinguished professor emeritus, was director until July 2021. Dr. 穆罕默德Al-Shabrawey 现任董事是. 

ERI的联合创始人和首任主任. V. 埃弗雷特金赛 was the recipient of the 1956 Albert Lasker Clinical Medical 研究 Award from the Lasker Foundation for his outstanding work as coordinator of the National Cooperative Study of Retrolental Fibroplasia.

With the help of 75 ophthalmologists and pediatricians in 18 hospitals, this study confirmed conclusively earlier observations that the incidence of blindness among premature babies increased with the duration of exposure to oxygen.

先前的研究已经排除了其他可能的致病因素, 比如病毒感染, 婴儿缺乏激素, 早产儿的眼睛暴露在光线下, 母亲体内缺乏维生素A, 服用各种维生素和铁, 输血和牛奶. Dr. Kinsey, a biochemist, had participated in many of the studies on these possible agents.

在六个月内, data were accumulated through the cooperative study that would have taken a single hospital several years. 在出生体重不足1500克的婴儿中, 25 percent of the infants receiving routine oxygen developed cicatricial retrolental fibroplasia, while only 6 percent of the infants on curtailed oxygen had the condition. The study showed that limiting the oxygen was without effect on survival.

仅在美国, putting into effect the results of this coordinated research should prevent blindness in several hundred premature infants each year.


8月. 13, 2024
OUWB ERC杰出讲者讲座系列


