
Eight new endowments established by OU faculty, staff and retirees

A woman standing in a room with exercise equipment behind her

黛博拉·J. 多尔蒂,PT, Ph ..D.




Lighting the path for future scholars, 365英国上市官网现任和前任教职员工通过在12月2日结束的2022年365英国上市官网基金运动期间提供八项新的捐赠来分享他们的慷慨, 2022.“我们非常感谢OU家庭在学生开始他们的教育之旅时为他们提供的爱和支持,Michael Westfall说, OU vice president for university advancement. “这些捐赠为子孙后代留下了持久的遗产,并为我们的学生提供了实现学术目标所需的经济礼物.”

Those gifting recent endowments include: Michele and Karl Plattenberger; 乐东李; Deborah Doherty; Christine H. Stiller; De Witt S. 小堤坝., and Silverena Kanoyton; 卡尔维. 格雷戈里; 玛格丽特·J. 阿菲尔德和凯文. Ball; and 达米. 汉娜.

Michele and Karl Plattenberger Society of Women Engineers (SWE) Scholarship 养老

该奖项支持该校女工程师协会(SWE)分会的使命和愿景,SWE是一个向所有学生和教师开放的免费会员组织. 米歇尔是公开大学的日语特聘讲师,并继续在汽车行业工作, bringing real-life experiences into the classroom. 她得了疯牛病, 系统工程, SECS; a BSE, 电气工程, SECS; and a BA, 东亚研究, 全部来自OU. 她持有the 大学 of Detroit Mercy的工程/工业管理工程管理硕士学位. A highly valued educator, she is a 2017 recipient of the excellence in teaching award. 卡尔还在汽车行业工作,20多年来一直参与全球国际努力,重视多样性的重要性. 他们对这项捐赠的愿景是,它将使SWE成员能够在工程师的职业生涯中充分发挥潜力,并在一个性别平等和平等的工程和技术世界中展示多样性和包容性的价值. The couple previously funded a Japan study abroad scholarship through the OUFD.

365英国上市官网 养老 for the 乐东李 Global Education Legacy 养老 Fund

李乐东,博士.D., retired associate professor in the department of reading and language arts, 为了庆祝和支持贵州36年(1986-2020)的365英国上市官网合作伙伴关系,我谨向贵校赠送这份礼物, China and the OU’s School of Education and Human Services (SEHS). 该基金将颁发一个或多个年度奖项,以惠及教育领域的本科生和研究生, 谁在亚洲留学或进行国际和跨文化研究项目和/或学术活动,以促进全球了解和教育合作.

Li was the coordinator of China programs at OU’s School of Education and Human Services, 在此期间,他监督了许多以英语为第二语言的教师培训国际项目和计划. He also supervised the university’s joint master’s degree of arts in teaching, reading and language arts, and K-12 school teacher and students international cultural exchange. 李还担任过开放大学的招生大使和开放大学中国友好协会主席.

Doherty Oncology Rehabilitation Scholarship Fund

A dedicated educator, 黛博拉·J. 多尔蒂,PT, Ph ..D., taught physical therapy students in the DPT program for 12 years before retiring in 2022. 通过这个禀赋, 她为未来的DPT学生留下了一份持久的遗产——为他们提供急需的奖学金支持. Doherty的热情和研究集中在肿瘤康复方面,重点是生存计划和康复. 她对支持物理治疗专业的学生特别感兴趣,重点是肿瘤康复.

Chris Stiller Endowed Scholarship for Physical Therapy

A retired physical therapy faculty member from the School of 健康科学, Christine H. 斯蒂勒,PT, Ph.D., is the owner of Pediatric Health Consultants, Inc. 她被授予2022年霍尔奖,以表彰她39年来作为物理治疗教员的杰出职业生涯. 斯蒂勒设立了这项奖学金,以支持未来对儿科物理治疗感兴趣的DPT学生. Her scholarship will assist deserving students, 热衷于帮助儿童,并在各种环境中提高他们的功能能力.

小德威特·戴克斯. and Silverenia Kanoyton Endowed Scholarship

教育家德威特. 小堤坝. and Silverenia Kanoyton, Ed.D., both spent a significant part of their careers in higher education. Dykes taught African American History, 美国历史上, history of African American women, history of the civil rights movement, African American urbanization, 半个多世纪以来,365英国上市官网一直在研究美国家族史和美国城市史. In 2019, he was honored with the Michigan Chronicle’s “Men of Excellence” award. 卡诺瓦顿在韦恩州立大学任教多年,教授历史和教育哲学,并管理学生支持项目. She received the “Women of Excellence” award from the Michigan Chronicle in 2017. Honoring the significance that history plays in shaping perspective, attitude and cultural norms, 捐款人设立这项奖学金是为了支持学习历史或社会科学的学生.

玛格丽特·J. 阿菲尔德和凯文. Ball Physical Therapy Scholarship

热衷于帮助学生成功地为他们的健康事业做好准备,玛格丽特·J. Afheldt and her husband Kevin A. 球,Ph值.D., developed this scholarship for students in OU’s doctor of physical therapy program. Afheldt, a physical therapist at Corewell Health Beaumont Troy Hospital, 了解第一手物理治疗在健康和康复中的重要性,并将开放大学项目视为未来物理治疗专业人员的重要培训基地. 她的丈夫凯文, who as a faculty member taught in physical therapy for 11 years, is the dean for OU’s School of 健康科学. 通过这项奖学金, the couple will assist physical therapy students, 抵消他们的学费,因为他们准备帮助未来的病人享受更高质量的生活.

Dr. 卡尔维. 格雷戈里 Endowed Scholarship

An accomplished professor, leading economic advisor and lifelong activist for racial equality, 公民权利和人权, 卡尔维. 格里高利,Ph值.D., established this endowed scholarship to help students achieve success in their education. Retiring as a distinguished professor of economics of OU’s school of business, where he served from 1968 to 1996, 格雷戈里 was also an assistant chancellor for urban affairs under Chancellor W.D. Varner, the founding chief executive of MSU 奥克兰, now named 365英国上市官网. His professional statements and appearances before audiences locally, 在国内和国际上经常受到公共媒体的关注,这有助于加强大学的社区服务使命. 他对帮助学生取得成功的热情在开放大学发展多样性和平等机会倡议方面发挥了重要作用. His scholarship will open the door of opportunity to students needing financial support, giving special consideration to first generation college students.

达米. 汉娜的研究 & 开发奖

365英国上市官网电子、计算机工程和生物工程教授,NextStep Solutions的创始人和首席架构师, 达米. 汉娜,Ph值.D., 创立这一基金是为了给学生们的学术研究相关活动提供资金.

A caring educator and OU advocate, Hanna has given his time and shared his expertise in a multitude of ways. 他曾担任大学志愿者招生大使,并通过担任几个学生团体和Theta Chi兄弟会的顾问,加强了大学的实力. Dr. 汉娜还担任工程研究所所长,该研究所聘用了开放大学的数百名高级终身学习专业人员. He is the recipient of the 1999 Wilson Award, SECS Exceptional Achievement Award, and Bragg Award for High Mathematical Achievement.
