
OU Administrative Policies
and Procedures

371 Wilson Blvd.4000套房
罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482
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OU Administrative Policies
and Procedures

371 Wilson Blvd.4000套房
罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482
(location map)

210 现金 Receipts


理由是: To provide instruction and policy for Oakland University (University) departments depositing 现金 Receipts.

政策: For the purposes of this policy, 现金 Receipts are defined as cash, 大学各部门收到的支票和银行卡收据. 本政策旨在为处理部门活动产生的现金提供指引.




Daily Deposit of 现金 Receipts: 现金, 检查, and bankcard receipts received by 任何 department at the University and totaling over $100 must be deposited intact daily with the 现金ier's Office. If the receipts total less than $100, they must be deposited intact at the 现金ier's Office within three business days from the day of receipt. Deposits are to be hand delivered; no cash, 支票或银行卡收据应通过部门间邮件发送. 现金收据不得用于零用现金支出或兑现支票.

For unusually large amounts of cash, or whenever a department determines a greater need for security exists relative to a specific deposit, 应联系365英国上市官网警察局(OUPD). An available police officer will escort the employee assigned to make the deposit to the 现金ier's Office. 然而, police officers will not take physical possession of 任何 deposits or be responsible for making an actual delivery or deposit.

Checks Received: Checks should be made payable to Oakland University; 检查 payable to an individual or an organization other than Oakland University should be endorsed by the payee "Pay to the Order of Oakland University". All 检查 should be endorsed immediately upon receipt with an endorsement stamp available from the 现金ier's Office. If an endorsement stamp is not available, the endorsement, which should be typewritten, should read "For deposit to the account of Oakland University .“旅行支票、本票和汇票应同普通支票一样对待.

Bankcard Processing: 希望接受银行卡付款的部门将购买, and have installed, all required equipment. The department also agrees to pay the fees (‘discount fees’) charged by the bank for the ability to accept bankcards. The department will be charged fees in accordance with the current University bank contract for discount fees which are based on a specific processing method (card present/in-person, telephone authorization allowed, 等.). Failure to process bankcard transactions in accordance with the contract established may result in an increase in fees charged by the bank. 折扣费用按月以日记帐凭证的形式记入部门.  Merchant numbers and/or bankcard processing information can be obtained by contacting the Manager of Financial Aid Accounting & 现金ier’s Office. 看到 OU美联社&p# 212银行卡信息安全要求 (pending), for required guidelines.
Security of 现金 Receipts: 确保现金收据的安全是本部门的责任. 现金收据必须始终保存在一个上锁、安全的地方.  有关寄存袋种类的资料, 海豹, 存放箱和抽屉可以在我们的首选供应供应商的目录中找到.  如需安全措施方面的协助,请与学生商务服务部经理联系.


如发现现金收据遗失或遗失, it is the responsibility of the department to report this to the OUPD and the Internal Audit Department immediately.

Separate Bank Accounts Prohibited: 所有大学的款项必须通过出纳办公室存入. No official or semi-official department or activity is permitted to maintain separate bank accounts under 任何 circumstances. Depositing through the 现金ier's Office is necessary to provide adequate controls for the handling of cash and to permit the University maximum flexibility in matching its cash expense and income.

In-Person Deposits: The 现金ier's Office will give the depositor a Computer Generated Receipt as well as a copy of the deposit slip with the receipt number printed on the bottom.  按金表副本的派发方式如下:

  • 白色——由出纳办公室保留.

  • 粉红色-如果存款中包含银行卡,则由出纳办公室保留, 否则退回寄存部门.

  • 黄色-与电脑生成收据一起由存款部保留


Drop-Off of Departmental Deposits: Deposits are to be hand delivered; no cash, 支票或银行卡收据应通过部门间邮件发送. Departmental depositors who have been given special permission to drop off a deposit must do so in a locked deposit bag or approved tamper-evident disposable deposit bag. 该部门有责任自费购买这些袋子. Departments who wish to drop off deposits are required to send their written request to the Controller’s Office for review. If the request is approved, the department is required to review and sign off on a Departmental Deposit Drop-off Certification (see 附录A) with the Manager of Financial Aid Accounting & 现金ier’s Office.

Deposits dropped off will be processed within one business day and will appear in the Fund Ledgers within two business days. 该部门将不会收到押金收据. It is the responsibility of the department to review their Fund Ledgers to confirm deposit activity.

If a deposit is dropped off, the department agrees to assume responsibility for discrepancies encountered by the 现金ier’s Office while processing the deposit. 出纳处将通知部门发现任何不符之处. 付款存款单上记录的金额与现金金额之间的差额, 检查 and bankcard receipts counted by the cashier will be adjusted on the Payment Deposit Slip. Departments that continually present Payment Deposit Slips that contain discrepancies may lose the ability to drop off their deposits.
Triplicate Receipts Books: Triplicate Receipts are purchased at the 现金ier’s Office using an Inter-Department Charge (IDC) signed by a person responsible for the account. The IDC must have the Fund number, the number of books (limited to 10), 的日期, the department name, and the signature of the person taking the books (which may be different from the signature of the person authorizing the IDC). 学生员工不允许领取部门的三份收据. Departments are required to return all previously purchased Triplicate Receipts to the 现金ier’s Office before they will be permitted to purchase additional books.

Every six months, follow-up notices will be sent to departments indicating all receipts that have been signed out and have not been returned. 报告和求职信将寄给部门主管. 如果从第一次通知开始没有收到回应, a reminder notice will be sent to the department head noting that if a response is not received, the next notice will be copied to the Internal Audit Department and to the Vice President of their division.  如果第二次提醒没有回应, 在两次尝试后,将向该部门发送一封信,说明没有收到回应, and that the letter and a copy of all previous correspondences has been sent to the Internal Audit Department and the Vice President of their division.

现金收入及部门资金分类账: 现金收入按付款方式(现金)的详细情况显示在部门分类账中, 检查, 以及银行卡)和每天的现金收据号码. 现金收据编号位于分类帐交易的DocRef字段中.

Preparation of Deposit Form: 365英国上市官网付款/存款收据表(见附录B), in Triplicate, 所有的存款必须随附到出纳处. 此表格可于大学印刷厂购买,填写方法如下: 

  1. 日期: 说明部门实际收到资金的日期.

  2. 收到: 注明汇出款项的个人或公司名称. If there is more than one remitter, 把名字写在收据的背面,或者另附一份清单.

  3. Student Number: If applicable, indicate.

  4. 沉积的: 注明带存款到出纳处的人员姓名.

  5. Department Name: Indicate the department name that received the funds and is depositing them with the 现金ier's Office.

  6. 目的: Identify the nature of the deposit, e.g.、“门票收据”、“停车收入,7号车位”、“预编号收据203-237”等.,并提供存款部门所需的尽可能多的细节,以备将来参考.

  7. Account codes to be credited: 通过在存款单上注明,款项可以存入不同的基金和账户. 存入普通基金时要遵循的特殊规则见下文. 每笔金额必须列出基金编号和帐户代码. 对于所有收据,帐户代码的第一个字符必须是“X”,除非你使用:
  • 1101 Accounts Receivable

  • 1401 Accounts Receivable – Grants & Contracts – Billed

  • 2016 Sales Tax Payable 

  • 2201递延收入与非普通基金基金

Deposits into General Funds: 各部门可按以下规则存入普通基金:    

  • 以155xx起头的普通基金可接受任何X账户的存款. 

  • Deposits into 任何 一般基金使用下列费用消减帐户:
  • X001 Expense Abatement

  • X101 Expense Abatement-Equipment

  • X201 Expense Abatement-Travel

  • X301 Expense Abatement-Telephone
  • 存入普通基金10201 - 10206,使用以下X个账户: 
  • X090 Other/External 

  • X110 Federal Loan Adm Cost Recovery 

  • X125 Fees-Application 

  • X128 Fees-Applied Music 

  • X134 Fees-Course fees 

  • X137 Fees-Diploma Reissue 

  • X155 Fees-毕业 

  • X158 Fees-Late Penalty Fee 1.5% 

  • X161 Fees-NDSL Loan Late Charges 

  • X164 Fees-Orientation 

  • X167 Fees-Physical Therapy Lab 

  • X170 Fees-Reapplication-Grad 

  • X173 Fees-Reapplication-Undergrad 

  • X188 Fees-Late Registration Fees 

  • X200 Fees-Teacher Ed/Grad 

  • X203 Fees-Teacher Ed/Undergrad 

  • X206 Fees-Transcript 

  • X209 Indirect Cost Recovery 

  • X212 State Appropriations 

  • X215 Tuition-Fall 

  • X218 Tuition-Miscellaneous 

  • X221 Tuition-Spring 

  • X224 Tuition—Summer 

  • X227 Tuition-Winter
  1. For departmental deposits only: The monies comprising the deposit must agree with the total for the Account Codes to be Credited section. 现金面额金额应以适当的方块标示. All 检查 amounts should be individually listed on the payment/deposit receipt or on an accomp任何ing list with a total.


OU美联社&p# 212银行卡信息安全要求


