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罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482

225 Funding Positions - Regulations 和程序


理由是: 在作出任何聘用或人事承诺之前,确保所有的聘用和/或工资和福利承诺都有适当的资源分配支持.



福利/边缘: Compensation in addition to direct wages/salary offered to employees based on their employee class.


一般的基金: Funds in the University accounting system (beginning with a 1xxxx), 维持与大学的学术和教学计划及其管理有关的交易. 


Non-General基金:包括指定基金, 辅助基金, 消耗性限制资金, 贷款基金, 捐赠基金, 工厂资金, 退休及保险基金, 和机构基金. 




基地/永久的资金: A recurring set of funds provided to a department at the beginning of each budget period.





工作人员:用于本文件的目的, the term 工作人员 includes employees covered under the following employee classes: Administrative Professional, 单独的合同, 神职人员的技术, 警察, 警员, 调度ers 和 Service Maintenance Skilled Trades.


365英国上市官网 (University) has a Position Control process to ensure that all required funding for new hires, 更换, 重新分类, 升级, promotions 和 other budget related personnel matters is available, 适当的分配, 并附属于这个位置.


The parameters below are applicable to positions funded by 一般的基金. Positions funded by the School of 医学, 奖助金, Auxiliary 和 other Non-General基金 will not be subject to the controls noted below, but such positions must be funded at levels within the constraints of the applicable budgets.


New academic programs are an exception to this policy. 这些项目的基本预算由负责学术事务的执行副校长管理,并根据前一年提交的项目形式每年一次性分配.


Approvals required for the administration of the Position Control process are outlined in the 人事行动矩阵.

适用范围及适用性: All University divisions 和 departments funding permanent positions must comply with this policy.




教师 positions are established by approval from the Executive Vice President 和 Provost. 确定基础资金或年度一次性资金资源(新学术项目的职位允许)必须伴随新职位的设立.


当教师职位空缺时, 该职位的工资预算将一次性转入教务处教员再分配池. These savings can be used by the Provost to meet other academic affairs-related needs. When a replacement is hired for an existing faculty position or a new faculty position is approved, 支持该职位所需的资金可以从教务处教师再分配池中转移.


教师职位的任何工资节省由教务执行副校长(或指定人员)管理。. These funds may not be used for or transferred to administrative positions. 相反, the funds allocated for administrative positions may not be used for or transferred to faculty positions. Exceptions to this restriction may only be made by the President or the President’s designee.


无薪或部分带薪休假或分阶段退休的教师未使用的预算工资将转移到教师再分配池. 各系负责支付临时代替休假的兼职教员的费用.




预算和财务规划办公室(预算办公室)负责管理所有薪金和附带福利帐户的工作人员预算. Departments are responsible for any Base budget adjustments that are not centrally funded.




管理岗位控制流程, the President 和 each Division Vice President will be provided with two Divisional Reallocation Pool funds, 临时池和永久池.


工作人员 positions residing in the General Fund must have base funding tied to the position's compensation.  在填补或修改职位(雇用差额)后产生的薪金和附带福利的任何基本节省将转移到适当的司副总裁长期再分配池.  The use of Fringe Benefit funds is restricted to coverage of Fringe Benefits only. 

With the exception of Skilled Trades 和 警察 positions, 当一个职位暂时空缺时, a one-time transfer of the salary savings will be made to the Division’s Temporary Pool. 一旦该职位填补,将向该职位返还足够的一次性资金,以支付本财年的薪酬费用.



To ensure equality within the hiring process 和 proper allocation of budget dollars, vacant positions will be posed based upon current hiring practices noted within the current 位置控制实务. 

人力资源及就业服务, who are solely authorized to make offers of employment, 在没有得到预算办公室和人力资源薪酬部门的批准之前,不会向超出申请批准预算的候选人提供报价.  Decisions regarding offers will be based upon current practices as established in the 位置控制实务工资指导


New 工作人员 positions can be requested with the Division Vice President, Compensation 和 预算 Office approval per the 人事行动矩阵. 一旦收到所需的批准并由请求部门确定基础资金,将创建一个新的职位编号.  



Departments may request modifications to 工作人员 positions with proper approvals as noted in the 人事行动矩阵 和 identification of required funding, as noted in the 位置控制实务.  各部门需要与人力资源部门协商更新职位描述,并确保任何拟议的职位修改都是正确的.  对一个领域内的两个或两个以上职位的拟议变更构成重组,需要有文件化的重组计划,并获得适当的批准 人事行动矩阵.  


Salary savings on vacant Administrative Professions, 单独的合同, or 神职人员的技术 Positions can be utilized by departments to cover recruitment expenditures, temporary replacement costs 和 severance obligations, 如当前所述 位置控制实务.  These reimbursements must be directly related to the vacant position 和 for the time period of the vacancy.  All requests for the use of salary savings will need approval by the 预算 Office.  在支付上述费用后,临时重新分配池中的剩余资金将在年底退还给大学,以重新分配给其他用途.  



When an employee is on paid sick leave for a period of more than two weeks (10 business days), 班外薪金(按薪金准则)或与临时空缺有关的补发费用将从缺勤的第二周开始由中央来源支付.  该部门负责在临时空缺的第二周之前发生的费用或超过当前所述允许限制的任何金额 位置控制实务工资指导



所有在职员工的绩效和合同加薪由董事会(BOT)批准后集中资助,并将遵循薪酬标准中所述的做法 工资指导.  If a position is not eligible for a merit increase, 或者合同增加, the budget increase will not be provided.  Increases to Divisional Pools 和 vacant positions will be funded per current 位置控制实务.





警察, 调度, 技术行业:当警察, 调度 or Skilled Trades position is vacated during the year, 该职位的预算将保留在部门,以支付填补空缺所需的任何课外工资或加班费.


Casual Positions: Casual employees are paid from the wage budget rather than the salary budget. 当一个临时雇员被雇用时, 本署预期在工资及福利预算中有足够的资金支付临时雇员在本财政年度的预计开支. 


Clerical Position Funding: As a general rule, 大学集体谈判协议涵盖的CT职位按现行合同标准费率提供资金, 称为C阶跃或C速率, 就每个职系而言, C1到C10. 看到 位置控制实务, for exceptions to gr和fathered positions.



Positions funded by One-Time Funds will lapse at the end of each fiscal year (or at the depletion of funds, 以先到者为准),除非在即将到来的财政年度确定一次性基金或永久基金来支持该职位. This identification of funding is the responsibility of the department. 

使用一次性资金聘用的员工应在聘用时被告知,如果没有其他资金来源可以继续为其职位提供资金, their employment will be terminated on the last day of the period covered by the funding.  One-Time funded positions are not to be paid out of the General Fund. 




Additional resources can be found on the 预算办公室网页,包括 人事行动矩阵 和 位置控制实务.

